The Watcher Files

Friday, December 23, 2005

Jack Van Impe.

He's one of the guys I used to listen to growing up and over the years his compromise into the NWO agenda has been noticeable.

I don't know what happened to him. When he first got on the air he was anti-Pope and Catholicism, got kicked off the air for dare coming against the beast itself, then came back on as a cheerleader for Rome. It got ridiculous.

If you buy into the pre-trib rapture theory (as I used to) then you love the guy. He always has a new date when one he prophesies comes and goes without a rapture. He always has a book to buy or video to sell to expound on his new date too. You can spend a fortune and keep spending money on all this knowledge he seems to have that no one else does or can figure out for themselves. The pre-trib rapture racket has made millionaires, it's made $billions in churchianity. Oh when, oh when will it happen? Spend $30 to find out. LOL.

They hate me. I always got kicked out of that 4 Doves, or was it 5 Doves group online that always goes over the edge to prove how ridiculous they can be. "My 2 year old said the Lord was coming next month." They set a date, then they all have visions and prophecies to pump it up, to watch it come and go. And they never get any smarter for it. They especially didn't like it when I could use their own codes and show how full of error their own supposed Bible Codes were that "verified" what they were saying. They don't know how to do Bible Codes at all over there.

I once saw Rexella Impe turn green during one of their tv shows. She looked really grotesque, it wasn't just turning green she was distorting into the face of a witch. Oh but she seems so pleasant does she? Just wants everyone to love everyone as they spew One World Religion rhetoric and Ecumenism like good little beast evangelists.

Loving people is what we are to do, commanded to do. But not Satan. Neither are we to compromise the Most High by rubbing elbows with Satan's rhetoric, groups, organizations and followers. We have nothing in common with them. We have nothing in common with religions or people who don't worship the same God we do. We can witness to them but there is no common ground to become unified with them on. We are to abhor the works of the devil not unify with it or them.

He's one of the more subtle apostates where Benny Hinn sells prayer, annointing and healings, and along with the others where they all combine to commercialize the Lord as well but with more charades such as magician healings, putting demons into people, hypnotizing people, and praising Satan in tongues as they do it and visibly laughing about it on stage as they're doing it.

I've added some more to as I continue to work on it. I'm not going to list every beast prophet on it that works for Satan, but the more noticeable ones who are leading the NWO agenda in the churches and New Age today for Lucifer.

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