The Watcher Files

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

So much for taking a night off..I get back online to find all my sites are down. Someone had hacked into my hosting control panel and reset the bandwidth usage amounts on all my sites to a bare minimum.

Now I can't seem to reset it for the site so it's still down.

So it's a coin flip. The Omegans who wanted the site down, or the Illuminati who want the site down..

People don't realize that if I wasn't doing this for Yahweh, I'd take them all down and go have a normal life.

The people you're trying to wake up and inform are the same ones that persecute and revile you the most. And instead of asking Yahweh if I'm right they just insist that I'm wrong and slander me all over the net.

People don't want to hear truth..or even ask Yahweh if it's the truth they are hearing..they don't want their boxes rattled. They just don't want to hear it.

They never pray for truth and that's why Yahweh lets them rot in falsehoods and error. They're seeking Him with thier heads and not their hearts. They're trying to tell Him what the truth is by rejecting the truth He shows them or leads them too. And then with all their wisdom and knowledge they think they have, they think they're callings are to attack the brethren instead of getting off their butts and doing something for the Lord and building His Kingdom.

Time is short. Don't waste it. Fulfill your calling in Him. And if you don't know what that is..ask Him and seek Him on it.

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