The Watcher Files

Monday, March 21, 2005

What's in the news?

Avian bird flu, body bags, and Terri Schiavo. The government counts on the fact that most people will only pay attention to one thing at a time, needless to say I'm more multi-talented and multi-faceted than that. Yes, I will fight for Terri, but I am non to pleased they are moving millions of body bags around the country in anticipation for their next 911, a plague attack on Americans they are hoping will kill multi-millions.

Does the madness ever stop? No.

Why are Canadian troops moving into Michigan? Why are they practicing Martial Law exercises at Fort Riley, Kansas? Why is there a stockpile of 6.4 million bodybags in the midwest alone?

Have you noticed yet that Islamic recruiters have hit the internet targeting Christians? They are hoping to convince you that Islam is a peaceful religion, the religion, and that everyone else is wrong. I think they will meet their match with Christianity. I mean come on folks, that's the standard quo for ALL religions. They all think they are right and everyone else is going to hell and worshipping a false god. In this case it is true however, Islam IS worshipping a false god. Islam is from the devil himself. What will you learn in Islam that Satanism doesn't advocate? How to beat up women? How to rape women and children and get away with it? Islam is the most violent and dangerous form of Satanism to hit America.

I had a recruiter emailing me for a while and said, "if you can show me one verse in the Bible that states Jesus was the Son of God I'll convert to Christianity." So I quoted John 3:16. Never heard from him again. Naturally he never converted, just changed his tactics for some other unsuspecting Christian who doesn't know the ROCK of our Salvation and can be easily deceived by these Satan recruiters.

In Matthew 24 and elsewhere we are warned of the apostasy in the last days. The Increasing Apostasy. What is apostasy? It is a departure from belief. It is no longer believing in something you once held to be a fundamental truth. Yahushua said in the last days people would begin rejecting the cross. And He wasn't talking about those who never believed in Him anyway, but those who did believe, turning their backs and rejecting the cross and their salvation.

This is a dominant sign of the last days.

The churches have been working toward it for years through the NCC National Council of Churches promoting tolerance and unity among religions. We have nothing in common with those who reject Jesus, Yahushua as the Son of God, nor are we to seek unity with those who do or compromise our beliefs for the sake of tolerance and unity with others.

Islam, among the others, state that Jesus was a prophet, but not the only Son of God. They negate His immaculate birth, life, death and resurrection.

Don't listen to these people who bring in damnable teachings to the churches or to you. Safeguard the faith you have in HIM and OVERCOME the lies, blasphemies, and apostasies of the last days.

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