The Watcher Files

Monday, April 05, 2004

My websites are back up...I blog is beginning to sound like an amusement park, up down, up down, up down,

Only it's not fun.

This one website can turn this country upside down why? Because a billion dollar industry can be defeated by just a few bucks!

We've all been antagonised by chemtrails. And yet the "experts" declare they don't exist (official denial demanded). And now we have something you can plant in your yard and throughout your area that will keep the chemtrails from covering your area. Think about it! Think about the lives your saving and the sicknesses and diseases prevented in one whole neighborhood, town or city because of just one faithful servant of the Most High God's who will dare to stand up and do something about it!! Be that servant!

No I'm not talking about soliciting your congressmen to do something they won't plan on, spare yourself from the lies..but you can plant about 25 TBs throughout your area and kiss the chemtrails goodbye! That's just a rough #, some areas take a lot less, some more. But it's a good average to be safe with and you can do it one at a time while we still have these TB's available..I mean come on..they're not going to sit back and allow us to do this for very long so don't waste time do it now! Yahweh will lead and guide you as to where to put them in your area.

There's a lot of disinfo on the net. True to form the gov is running all the major positions in all areas of the NWO and black agenda. If you look at the cloud buster forums ask yourself, why are Christians constantly kicked out of them? If you look at the TB's others are making ask yourself, why haven't there's been as effective as ours? Because they're sabatoging their own products to invoke evil instead of good! Why? Because they're either outright evil themselves or they've listened to the wrong people on how to make them! This is war folks, and it's about time we took back our own air from the evilmongers!

Do you really need an expensive cloud-chemtrail buster designed by 666's? No. These little $3 TBs we make will knock them out.

And mind control? Sick and tired of seeing so many towers go up? Read about the real meaning and intent of all these HAARP towers at the site.

Act now or wish you had later.

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