The Watcher Files

Saturday, April 24, 2004

I was reading a book sent to me by someone who listened to my interview with Zeph Daniel at a couple weeks ago, and in it was a time travel story from someone who used a plasma type machine to time travel into the future. Be it as it may be, whatever it is, the results were interesting.

The traveler said it was the year 2005 and Bush was gone, (probably impeached or assassinated or hey, maybe even in prison!) Cheney was president, but suffered heart failure, and guess who rose to power? Colin Powell.

Although you might be surprised, I wasn't. I often see his name in regards to future events so I know it's definately a card that could be played. The interesting thing is past prophets have warned of a charismatic leader who will arise that the people will love (and people are loving Powell more and more everyday, esp since he was against this war facade in Iraq to begin with) but he'll make a crucial mistake and sign an agreement with the Antichrist throwing this nation in with the beast agenda/system that will overtake the world. Now I have no doubts that that's the NESARA beast agenda the Omegans are salivating and drooling over waiting to implement (see

It's interesting when you can pull together all the different cards that can be played to destroy and end the world as we know it.

Last year Yahweh told me I would teach His prophets. It's almost been amusing. Most of His prophets reject me outright and anything/if not everything I have to say. His watchmen are more inclined to listen since they're still seeking truth and haven't hit the "I know everything" corner yet that alot of Prophets seem to back themselves into. And I'm still learning, more and more everyday and as I do I post the things I've learned somewhere..on my sites, on this blogger, or in the codes. Many just dont' even realize they have Watchmen and Prophetic callings on their lives. Even if you're not sure what you are just follow His leading and guidance and He'll lead you into whatever He wants you to do for Him.

Is this the year that will catapult us into the Great Tribulation? Guess we'll find out.

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