The Watcher Files

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Sananda...what a scoundrel.

The magnitude of how he has worked over the years is just going to astound people. It did me. Think about it...the person who has portrayed the picture of Jesus that we have seen all of our lives..the person people have seen in Near Death Sananda.

Not Jesus, not the Son of the Most High has been SANANDA.

He has been playing the role of Jesus behind the scenes all this time.

The Jesus people have seen in visions, the Jesus people have seen in night time has been SANANDA.

Sananda, Sananda, Sananda. He's a fraud, a mocker, an imitator, a blasphemer of the Most High God.

When he comes he will have an aura of authority about him, he will heal the sick, he will restore missing limns for people, he will raise the dead. He will be the great healer, he will mock and imitate everything the real Jesus, Yahushua did when He was here.

Sananda's going to do everything Jesus did and people are going to call him Jesus.

People think because they are Christians that "Jesus" has really appeared to them. They were deceived, they are being deceived, and they are going to royally be deceived when Sananda arrives himself for good. Because he's the one that's been showing himself to them as Jesus and so they are going to recognize him as Jesus and proclaim he's Jesus. Fraud, Fraud, Fraud.

We have been so conditioned in pictures on what "Jesus" looks like, that when he arrives or shows himself to people they don't even bother to test the spirit as commanded in the Word.

Test the spirits whether they be of God.

And if that's not bad enough, this Sananda-Jesus has his own lead angel Michael. Those familiar with spiritual warfare know how demons and fallen angels will take on the names of Biblical figures to mimmick them. And that's what we have here folks, a complete mockery and imitation of the real Jesus, Yahushua Son of God, and the archangel Michael. The ones coming are FRAUDS.

Will it be convincing? Yes. Will they be convincing? Yes.

These two, Sananda-Jesus and angel Michael (with his forces) have been masquerading behind the scenes as the real beings themselves when they are not. They have deceived many in the New Age and more esoteric theologies that are familiar with them in assistance, channelling etc..Even Christians who proclaim the false prophecies given to them by this Sananda and seeing Sananda's "angelic forces."

Wake up people..Wake up they are FRAUDS.

Remember, the false Jesus, the false Father-God and the false angelic forces all COME FIRST.

When you see these beings rebuke them. Test the Spirits. Especially when they just start showing up here on earth..remember that they are FRAUDS.

Don't be deceived by the deceptions of Satan. Many of you already have been, and are being deceived now by these very beings. Seek Yahweh for the truth. Ask Him to keep you from evil. Ask Him to open your eyes and remove the blinders so the truth in all things can be revealed to you.

Don't fall for the games, don't fall for the deceptions.

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