The Watcher Files

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Well I've been having alot of fun lately. I know these are the last days but just seems fun to me seeing Yahweh work in so many ways and using so many people to accomplish His purposes. Yes, us "little people" are making a difference for Him in these last days, while the high and heady minded keep following the rabbit down the wrong trails waiting for the great prosperity to hit. I wonder how many have actually realized the distraction agenda these wolves are running?

I've been talking to the guy over at a orgone site I like and he's going to create a 12 stone cube with all the stones of heaven. I'm so excited!! Having one of these in your house would feel like a permanent 24/7 annointing at all times. I don't know if you've ever annointed your home but you know the process it takes. With one of these orgone generators you never have to go through the process again. Orgone generators emit positive energy, so evil can't stand to be near it. Positive energy eats up negative energy.

No it's not New Age talk. We've been conditioned to believe it is so we'll stay away from some of the greatest and powerful blessings God gave us, in just little stones. Sure Satan has perverted it, so you can't trust it all, but He's showing us how to negate all the attacks in these last days and arming ourselves is just a small part of it. What He's been leading me to is simple things that have a poweful impact. Sure prayer works, but you're still under attack or you wouldn't be praying about it. These stones used in the right way prevent the attacks to begin with. He gave us natural herbs and remedies for all kinds of things and we still run out and spend $hundreds a year on poison RX's. No thanks. Or we spend our time suffering from attacks. Well I'm not going to anymore and you don't have to either.

Did you know that 2 stones together, Amethyst and Rose Quartz bring not only healing and repair but a closer awareness of God. The twelfth floor in heaven is Amethyst.

Someone's getting really mad I'm even talking about this stuff..yesterday morning I heard this huge bang on the side of the house. I thought a car ran into it. I walked to the window and looked out and everything was normal. So walked back to my desk and just a few minutes later there was another loud bang. I walked around to the side and front of the house and didn't see anything. You would think a loud bang like that hitting the house would cause some kind of denting in the siding.

Some kind of new electronic harrasment toys? I don't know...not sure what it was. But during the same night/morning my friend was also getting Tennesee. Someone was messing with her front door. Intimidation tactics? I have no doubt.

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