The Watcher Files

Friday, January 23, 2004

Not talking about the site. Still down. Don't ask.

I'm finding some exciting things in the codes. The Lord told me I would reveal huge things this year so I'm having a lot of fun as He leads me.

I've been more busy this month then all of last year. Last year it was mostly setting up websites and learning. This year has been alot of ministering, training, and on to some other things He has me doing that I won't disclose right now but to a few thousand of my closest friends.

Tonight was the last episode of Friends. Was anybody else cheering? Or was that just me?

"Behold I give unto you the power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you" Luke 10:19. Over ALL the power of the enemy.

It's time for believers to wake up and step into their authority and the authority and callings He has for them. Most don't even know what they're suppose to be doing so they just keep the routine up of going to church every Sunday, or thinking about it, or maybe they're starting to get the feeling something's missing and they're missing out on something. Maybe they'll begin to ask themselves if that's the Lord trying to get their attention.

Most churches of today are stumbling blocks. Yep. You can't replace your own relationship with the Lord with a church. Folks.."God has left the building." He's not even welcome in most of the "feel good talk to me sweetly" churches today.

If you feel like you're missing something, it's because you are and He's trying to get your attention. Ask Him, then Listen for what He has to say in your spirit to you.

One sided relationships are rude don't you think? God will talk if you'll shut up and listen, yep, just be quiet and wait for Him to speak.

Ever see the movie classic, "They Live"? Rent it some time. It'll give ya some insight on what's coming.

I wanna hear the angels sing, and you guys are so loud I can't hear anything...shshshsh

Be at peace.

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