The Watcher Files

Friday, January 02, 2004

Another year. Wow, the dreaded 2004 is finally here. I remember thinking last year, if this stuff doesn't happen this year, it's going to happen next year. Next year is here.

The amazing thing is, Bush is too, and the White House is still standing, and Congress is still lying, and no nukes hit our soil this year. Better get your bug out bags ready folks.

Doing a code on president Bush is like doing a code on's a rainy day code because there's always a disaster waiting to happen. In fact it's so bad I refuse to go there unless Yahweh specifically directs me to. November's (2003) was a legitimate threat.

Every new year I like to look ahead at the coming year. I don't look back, I look forward. My husband fell asleep before the ball dropped so the first words out of my mouth were, "Ok Lord, what do you want me to do this year?" as I walked toward the computer. ..

Afraid I'd be stuck in the getting-boring- routine, He assured me my destination has been chosen and that many will come up against me this year. Maybe one of these days I'll type out everything He told me but I've started to already notice the little anonymous following I have on the net that follows me around to antagonize anything I have to say on the net.

The interns must be getting bored.

I want to learn a lot of new things this year. The deep things of God. It's exciting to learn new things from Him, even though no one else is going to believe you. There always seems to remain a hand full who will support you regardless..the majority..are exactly what He says..asleep in their man made theologies and traditions.

People seem to think, that since they "just love the Lord so much" that He'll tell them when they're in error about something or wouldn't possibly let them sit in it all their lives." I love this one.."He knows my heart."

You know what He knows? That you're disobeying Him. Because if you're in error, it's because you're violating His Word by not worshipping Him and seeking Him in Spirit and in Truth. So He's going to let you SIT and DROWN in all the errors you're determined to until you Seek HIM for the Truth. So most people are sitting in "God has left the building" churches soaking in all the falsehood man made theologies they can and then insist they aren't in error. "Not MY Church" ..I'm sick of that one..

Want to know why? Because church isn't suppose to be our main source of info..GOD IS. Church was never meant to replace our own PERSONAL TRUTH SEEKING RELATIONSHIPS with Yahweh. Neither was the Word. Read the Word, then put it down and ask Yahweh to reveal the truth in it to you. Or ask Him before you start reading it. GOD HIMSELF IS ALWAYS TO BE OUR MAIN SOURCE OF INFO. Stop putting other things before Him, and yes a church can be exactly that!

It can all come down to one simple daily prayer that will change your life forever, "Father teach me the truth in all things."

Alright well if you need something to do go over and check out
Pandoras Box they have a lot of interesting links there..and some of my own..

or if you haven't read my other daily blogs keep reading..

nice to have you here.

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