worldwide, over 22 countries listening. I've been on the internet air waves for 2 months and already there's a global audience of those who want to hear the truth of what's going on in these last days. And it's going to grow, and get bigger and bigger and bigger. I'm just a servant of the Lord's and a warrior willing to take a stand against the corruption and evil overtaking this world under the guise of a New World Order and
I pray I'm a blessing to Him.
A friend sent this to me .. made me want to go to NYC and rip that statues torch off myself..
Statue of Liberty or Lucifer?
Rev 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
Before the word continent was added to the English vocabulary, the word mountain also defined a continent.
There are 7 continents on earth. There are 7 seas. The Lord's number 7 may be found on many things.
Rev 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
We have really chosen an excellent symbol for this nation, the Statue of Liberty. The 7 horns on Lady Liberty's crown, represent the 7 continents and the 7 seas.
The Statue of Liberty is not an original symbol. It goes all the way back to the mystery religions of Babylon, to the godess Isis, queen of Babylon, to the godess Libertos, godess of Liberty, and the godess of Reason.America has the spirit of Egypt.
The truth about the Statue of Liberty, the world's largest idol, needs to be toldThe Statue of Liberty's designer, French Freemason, Frederick August Bertoldi, once boasted that his creation would last as long as the Pyramids of the Nile. The seven spikes of Liberty's crown represent the seven continents and seven seas of the world.
This was a Freemason project, linked to the builders of the Pyramids. Freemasons designed the dollar bill.Freemasons planned the Washington monument and laid out the whole city of Washington in Luciferian, occult symbols.The Luciferian Masonic symbols are what the Statue of Liberty is really all about.To see the fruits of true Illuminism, what the antichrist mystery religions of Lucifer, are all about, look at the French Revolution. Illuminism is what drove the French Revolution.
That is what Illuminism is, antichristian doctrine, and a reign of terror. The guillotine took many thousands of lives in this bloody antichrist Luciferian mystery religion revolution. The unbridled killing and terror is what Illuminism is really all about. Jesus told us clearly that Lucifer, Satan, the devil, comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.The French Revolution culminated in an event where they desecrated Notre Dame cathedral. They enthroned a half naked prostitute on the high altar, and crowned her as the goddess of reason.
The torch in her hand, is the light of Lucifer. Believe it or not, this is the origins of the Statue of Liberty. That statue was designed and built by French Freemasons and given as a gift to American Freemasons. It still stands as the largest Luciferian idol in the world.
It is not a nice symbol.
It is a symbol of the goddess of witchcraft, holding aloft the light of Lucifer.
Makes you sick doesn't it?