The Watcher Files

Thursday, July 08, 2004

The Illuminati holds a meeting last month and determines that John Edwards is going to be the next president of the USA. So what a big shock to see Edwards chosen as John Kerry's Vice President running mate.

Makes you wonder how they plan to get rid of Kerry now. Plane crash? Ski accident? Brakes in his car not working..boating accident..guess we'll have to wait to see how creative they get.

Do I think Kerry and Edwards are going to win? No. Not in a long shot.

Of course Edwards could fit the bill of the man that comes to power that people fall in love with..but you'd have to get rid of Kerry. And then I'd see Edwards making Hillary his VP candidate.

Hmm..and then Hillary would have to get rid of Edwards so she can be the woman in power. It never ends. Course that's just speculation on my part but look what happened to JFK Jr. when he had lunch with Hillary 2 weeks before his plane crash and announced he was going to run for the NY Senate.

Not that I spend my days thinking about politics. But I do stay on top of what the dogs are doing and how they're barking. It's part of my job.

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