The Watcher Files

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

They proclaimed the Rev. Moon as Messiah in the House Senate yesterday.

He probably demanded it, and since he owns them all, got what he wanted.

Is this the official launching of Matt. 24:5? I think so. Where MANY will come in His Name saying, "I am Christ." There's some real doozies yet to come, so just to warn you, he's just starting the avalanche. There's many in the wings waiting to proclaim themselves as Messiah's and compete him for the title.

Course we know he's a wannabe. As the others will be.

This is just the beginning of many horrors we have coming our way. At least this one isn't a physical horror, yet, those are coming as well.

Don't be deceived by those coming claiming they are the Messiah. This is what the Bible warns us about for the last days. Read Matthew 24. You can read it online at

The Lord has been showing me things of things to come and I'm just numb. And NOW I understand that term! I'd see it in the Bible codes all the time, "numb" "shocked" and I'm always thinking, what could shock us since we know all this is coming? And the truth is..99% DON'T KNOW THE REAL HORROR AND TERROR THAT IS COMING..they think they do..but they don't at all. And when the Lord shows you it in your spirit it just makes you NUMB.

I am going to try and put something together here soon and try to give justice as to what He's shown me. Be patient with me...I'm still fighting those who think I need a straight jacket. Wait till they hear even MORE of what I have to say from Him. I'm sure I'll starting getting straight jackets in the mail, perhaps UPS.

Maybe that's why I've been thinking about getting a PO Box lately..

I know my thoughts are directed by Him, just right now I don't have the funds to go get one.

Anyway I love each and every one of you that faithfully read this blogger, now read in over 60 countries. May Yahweh be blessed and evident through me as I try and inform you and be His faithful messenger in these last days.

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