The Watcher Files

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Some Simple Warfare Prayers

Tired of being bothered, harassed and afflicted by Satan, demonic, alien, and black op military forces? Stand up and do something about it and put a stop to it!

Some Simple Warfare Prayers....

Dear Heavenly Father....I ask in Yahushua's Name that you...

...fry and melt the computer chips and circuit boards operating the equipment being used to afflict me and my brethren.

...cause the airplanes and drones being used to purposely spray poisons in our skies to malfunction and crash to the earth.

...cause chaos and derision amongst Satan's forces and human cohorts.

...cause their high tech weapon satellites and spyware being used against me and my brethren to cease from working beyond recovery and repair.

...erase all the files and cause the computers to malfunction beyond recovery and repair that are being used to compile databases against me and my brethren.

...chain and cast into the abyss all those who are stalking me in my home whether they are alien, demon, or human.

Fun Things To Do As A Warrior For The Most High

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