The Watcher Files

Thursday, May 31, 2007

If It's Too Good To Be True....

Well Big Surprise....Ron Paul is a "White Knight" which means he's working the same "Alien Agenda" that many others on the internet such as Stew Webb is...the Alien Agenda is the New Age agenda (Led by Hatonn the Tall Grey) see

They want to eliminate our government in the current form and bring in NESARA...from their own website they list as their own "key players" in Congress....."Among the 45 are U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich, U.S. Representative Ron Paul, and former U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney."

I knew when I heard Ron Paul was pro-gay marriage I smelled a rat..

Well you know the saying "If it's too good to be true it probably is" and it's usually right. So where does that leave the millions of patriots and Christians who thought they had a leader in Ron Paul? Stuck in agendas, factions, quagmire, sludge, watching America sink to NWO Hell in a hand basket...that's where.

There is NO candidate FOR the American people. And this is exactly why the Lord has been leading His people to sell off possessions and become more mobile in case they have to leave their homes and go into hiding from the coming persecution and onslaught against His people. Martial law and destruction is coming whether it's Paul or Clinton or whoever or whatever at the helm of this country.

The amusing and deluding facade of the New Age is that they actually believe everyone else is deceived but them. They channel entities such as Sananda, St. Germaine and other beings as they masquerade as Ascended Masters. These beings are nothing but the ilk that followed Lucifer in his rebellion against the Most High and were kicked out of heaven. Now they play Gods behind the scenes waiting for the fulfillment of Revelation 12 when they, among with Lucifer, are cast to the earth.

They know it's coming. So they are preparing people for their eventual arrival to earth by masquerading they are coming to earth to help mankind. Wake up people..they're getting kicked out of the skies where they will be stranded on earth! They've been so meticulous in preparing the gullible they haven't overlooked a thing in how well they can deceive and manipulate the gullible all over the world.

And they love to quote Scripture and sound righteous. The problem is they misquote it, ignore passages they need to to sell their lies and manipulations to the gullible, and they're leading thousands, perhaps millions to the pit of hell with their 'righteous' rhetoric.

Don't let someone quote the Bible to you, read it yourself. Pray for the truth in all things so that your eyes can be opened to all the lies and deceptions that are here and the even more that are coming.

As usual, the New Age camp has declared an end to the Bush camp NWO and that they will be taking over our earth soon. At what point does any of these people realize the difference between a hostile invasion and a hostile invasion? All I see is one hostile faction taking over control of earth from another hostile faction. We don't need 'aliens' to restore our constitution and bring in death to millions from their 'friendly takeover.'

Did you know they are the ones behind removing our ozone layer? Unfortunately, "some will die as a result" they claim...but they try to minimize the actual numbers of people that will and actually glorify the entire thing.

Spin control.

Every time they speak they're lying. So what's so different between them and Bush's NWO? Not a thing. In fact they're worse. Everyone knows Bush is lying...the gullible won't even conceive of the fact their channelled Ascended Masters are even bigger liars.

So where does all of this leave the sane people on this planet? Be prepared for death and destruction. The Bible forewarns of times coming that are so horrendous they are things the world has never seen or experienced before.

The Bible clearly warns of the coming 'last days' and we are diving into them, if not already in the beginning stages.

Don't look for man to save this country or world, and Satan comes in 'peace' folks..he comes masquerading as a righteous being offering peace and safety to the world..

We already know who wins the war for earth, you can jump to the back of the book of Revelation...until then it's going to be a time of death and destruction. the Lord for what He needs or wants you to do to prepare for the coming times.

America is going to hell in a hand basket...get out of denial. There is no hope left..our only hope is in the Most High who can protect and keep you from going along in the ride.

Yah bless His Warriors.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

They're On Their Way...

More and more pictures surfacing on the internet of supposed sneaked pics of underground bases to bold UFO remote controlled drones hovering in the sky....

I don't know what's legit and what isn't out of it all. What is apparent is the fact that as they (aliens) have said themselves they would make their presence more known on earth or our gov is trying in their own way to condition the people of their existence. Yahweh (Yeh Ho wAH) keeps telling me 'they're coming."

The "Ascended Masters" are always threatening to make themselves more and more known on earth whether our gov wants them to or not. In fact they have been battling with the gov for years over control of the New World Order. Both factions have their own plans as to how to implement it and who will run it until Lucifer takes over it as the world ruler.

If Bush doesn't get us involved in a war with Iran, Maitreya will. The coming "messiah" that the Iranians and Moslems have been waiting for and warning everyone of his impending arrival. When Maitreya arrives he's going to plunge the entire world in war. So whether it's Bush or Maitreya doing so the people of this world need to prepare for themselves for shortages, famines, plagues, pestilences, etc...and to protect yourself and your family from invading armies, soldiers, "peace keepers" that will just harm you.

Bush has almost effectively depleted our entire country from our armed forces and continues to attempt to demolish them completely so that the UN can have America without an American military presence here. They've been moving in UN equipment since the 1990s to fulfill their plans of a UN takeover of America...and our presidents have allowed it as they are all in cohoots with globalization and a UN takeover of the entire world.

We don't have to be sheep to the slaughter. It's insulting to think we'd have to be. The commandment "thou shalt not kill" reads in the original "you will not kill unjustly" In other words, don't murder someone out of anger or forethought, but prepared to defend yourself against those who want to hurt you and kill you...and the UN wants to do both.

There's a big difference between murder and self-defense.

Snap out of the mind control....snap out of the apostate doctrines religion has lulled you to your deaths with. That's why Satan has his biggest and best mouthpieces leading the churches you'll go to your deaths without a fight or wimper because 'they said so.'

Yah's real people will not be drinking koolaid and stopped taking religous sleeping pills a long time ago, if they ever did to begin with.

Snap out of it folks.

Remember Masada?

The Lord's people never attempted to take over a ruling government once they were enslaved to one...they simply created their own communities and lived separately from the ruling apparatus going into the deserts if they had to.

We can't overcome the evil and ruling apparatus of our government and that is why we need to be creating communities away from it. Get off the grid, let them enslave themselves and tax themselves to death. Let them eat their own. Yah's people need to band together and get away from what's coming...

Judgment is coming...and we know it's coming, so we need to get away from it and plan accordingly.

Do I know what Yah will do? He's already told me that many people he's blessed with finances to help create such communities and havens for His people have given their money to the wrong people because they didn't seek HIM they did what they felt was right in their own eyes. Not much time left folks..

Seek Him..we could end up being on our own..His true Elect will make it either way...Yah will protect His Elect while the churches and Christians head to the slaughter...because they refuse to do anything else to change their demise.

Yah bless His Warriors..